Dear donors,

Eyes on Animals inspectors have been very busy checking on the well-being of farm animals being transported and slaughtered and meeting with authorities to report our positive and negative findings. We have also been giving many training courses to educate those working with animals on how to reduce animal-suffering. We wanted to give you a quick update of just some of the things that our teams have been busy with thanks to people like you, that financially make this all possible. To keep our momentum going, donations can be made to Eyes on Animals, IBAN: NL73TRIO0212364219, BIC: TRIONL2U, Triodos Bank, Zeist, Nederland.

EonA in Brussels at the European Commission

2016.06.03 Meeting with the EU Commission about the on-going suffering of animals sent from the EU to Turkey by truck
2016.05.24 EonA in Brussels to give input to EU Guidelines about problems and solutions to reduce suffering of transport of poultry, pigs and cattle and sheep
2016.04.19 EonA is stakeholder of EU Guidelines on better practices to improve animal-welfare during transport

EonA trained more highway police in Poland on animal-transport enforcement

2016.04.22 Stopping trucks on the highway with Lubuskje highway police and fining livestock transport companies
2016.04.21 Training course of Lubuskye highway police and veterinarians on animal transport legislation
2016.04.20 Stopping trucks on the highway with Poznan highway police and fining livestock transport companies
2016.04.19 Training course of Poznan highway police and veterinarian on animal transport legislation

EonA trained largest chicken-catching company in the Netherlands

2016.05.21 Training course to Gemril chicken-catching company, NL

EonA checked on slaughterhouses in the Netherlands and Turkey

2016.03.23 Storteboom chicken slaughterhouse, NL
2016.05.21 Kurucay slaughterhouse Bolu, Turkey
2016.05.20 Meeting with Ministry of Religious Affairs and Agriculture, Turkey
2016.05.19 Baskent slaughterhouse Ankara, Turkey
2016.05.18 Cihangir slaughterhouse Konya, Turkey
2016.05.16 Afseker slaughterhouse Konya, Turkey
2016.05.16 Torku slaughterhouse Konya, Turkey

EonA inspected livestock markets

2016.05.09 Barneveld horse market, NL
2016.03.09 Leeuwarden cow market, NL

EonA checked on animals being loaded and transported

2016.05.08 Catching and loading of laying hens for transport to slaughter, NL
2016.04.08 Pig trucks waiting in line at Vion slaughterhouse, NL

Will you help us continue to further decrease the suffering of farm animals? Please donate so that we can continue inspecting and improving livestock transports, farms and slaughterhouses.

IBAN: NL73TRIO0212364219

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